Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Double up

When making Lasange, shepards pie, stew or any kind of big hearty dish, why not double the quantities. That way you can freeze the extra portions - perfect for those evenings when you are running late or dont know what to cook! Plus you save on the washing up too!!

Going further with a chicken

A large chicken goes much further by cutting it up or ´jointing it´ You can easily feed 6 people in a casserole or ´coq a vin´. And the good news? We have extra large chickens for only 10.99! or Medium one for 5!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Sharp knives

Tip of the week:
Keep your knives sharp.
Use a 'steel' to keep the edge on your knives, it makes life in the kitchen so much easier. We can even sharpen your knives for you - just bring them in next time you are coming into Wicklow and we will show you how to keep them sharp!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Preheat the oven

Always preheat your oven before cooking. This ensures faster and more evenly cooked food. P.S - don't forget to check if anything is in there first (eg baking trays etc)
Cullens Quality Butchers
Main Street
Wicklow Town
0404 69719