Monday, February 20, 2012

Eat Less Meat!!

WHAT!!! - A Butcher telling you to EAT LESS MEAT!
Yes, that's right - eat less meat, but MORE good quality meat. Less trips to the supermarket meat counter, but more trips to your local butcher and buying good quality local meats.

Supermarket meats can often be processed, or packaged in long life plastic sealed trays or just not given the care and attention that your butcher has. Your local butcher is a craftsman (or Woman) and is depending on your return business, so will always give you the best care and attention.

So to stay healthy - eat red meat 2-3 times per week, add in some fish, turkey, chicken or perhaps have a 'veggie' day. A good balance of all the food groups does you good. - See, our mothers know best!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this tip about having good quality meat. It is worth applicable.

    Food processing JObs
